Director's Message

Prof. Dr. Rashid Ahmad
Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Welcome to Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre. Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre is a little niche of University of Peshawar that has a unique stance and standing: it has a pro-Islamic aura that blends in excellently with modern day spirit. The Centre offers studies in subjects like Economics, Computer Science, English Language and Literature, Political Science, Mathematics, Statistics etc. along with traditional Islamic subjects like Fiqh, Hadith, Tafseer, Tajweed, Islamic History, Contemporary Muslim World etc. at graduation level. It is indeed serving in a huge capacity to facilitate Madrassah students by including them into the mainstream Graduation study Program of Peshawar University. As Director I am proud to see that it has made steady progress: from a mere 80 students to more than 600; from a single program of BA (Hons) to BCS to MA (Qura’nic Studies) to M.Phil leading to Ph.D and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Islamic Banking. It has improved tremendously in the last couple of years and has expanded its horizons in a great way. It has some unique features like regular conferences and seminars, research oriented mode of study, semester system, make-up exams, a highly conducive pro-Islamic environment for female students, its state of the art labs, a spacious library, its lush green lawns, a playground, a hostel, a Masjid --- may not I say that Allah has richly blessed this Centre. Its corridors echo with heartwarming Tilawat-e-Qur’an and Zikr-e-Rasool (SAWW). Often when I take a round, what I overhear from the ongoing classes is Qur’an and Hadith. Like Pakistan, it was built with the aspiration to serve Islam and may I say it is striving hard to do so in its minor capacity and meager resources. The staff of this Centre is dedicated and thoroughly professional. Yet the hallmark of my staff is their highly co-operative and accommodative bearing towards our students. Our research journal ‘Al-Idah’ is a voice of moderation and is an emblem of all-inclusive nature of Islam. The Centre has proven its worth and earned merit in diverse capacities. It has been a valuable addition to Academia. I wish it the very best and hope that it may achieve further glories and more success in future. Our asset is our students. We leave no stone unturned to groom them, to train them and to equip them to face the challenges faced by Muslim Ummah.